Oh my goodness what a week. After traveling all day Monday (.....and cleaning the apartment with what was left of the day....Why do I always inherit houses from Elders???They´re great and all, but their cleaning skills... #subpar) we then proceeded to spend most of Tuesday getting lost in our area.
Fun fact, in Merida the streets are by number, in Campeche they all have names....like Mango or Baja California or names of presidents and stuff...you can imagine how that´s working out for us.
Then Wednesday we had a meeting with Elder Valenzuela of the 70. And he was just awesome. He talked about being missionaries of "integro proposito" (I think that translates to like fulness of purpose but...quien sabe); that we can´t just focus on baptisms but let less active members fall through the cracks, and we can´t just focus and members and not find new investigators. We have to have a balance in everything.
And Friday night....we went back to Merida!! haha We had a special leadership council in Merida Saturday morning with Elder Valenzuela again so it was back on the bus Friday night. We stayed with two sisters in their teeny tiny house and ended up having to put our hammocks bunk bed style and out the door in order to make it all work. Saturday was the leadership council and then we didn´t get back to Campeche until like 6.
Hammock Adventures |
Hammock Adventures Pt. 2 |
Seriously I´ve done more traveling this week than I´ve done my whole mission combined.
So Campeche...it is like a whole other mission really. First of all, we´re close the the ocean here. If we go up on the hills (yes there are hills here) we can see it from our area. So it´s not as hot here...but it is more humid here. #youcan´twinthemall Also I kind of feel like I´m on vacation because it smells like the beach here. hah The houses are REALLY close together. They have these things called andadors (walkways) and instead of streets in a lot of our area the andadores are what seperate the houses. (I´ll send pictures next week). The ward is amazing, there are EIGHT missionaries, 6 elders and us. And we´re the first sisters they´ve had in the ward in more than 20 or 30 years.
Basically we´ve been adopted by the majority of the sisters here. hah.
I´m just incredibly happy. I´ve thought a lot this week about my purpose and why I´m here, and basically I´ve come to one conclusion.
There is nowhere else that I´m supposed to be right now.
I´m not supposed to be at school or at home or married or watching TV or whatever... I´m supposed to be here in Mexico sharing the gospel and loving these people. I love this gospel, I love my Savior, and I love these people here in Campeche...What else is there??
¡Vale la pena!
Hermana Wilson
Zona Campeche! |