My Dearest Family...and other people who are equally as dear,
week was a good one!!! (Do I say that every week??) We don´t have a lot
of 1... but we accomplished a lot of our goals and
in the ninth hour (like Sunday night..) we found a family with a lot
of potential and I have high hopes for Chuburná.
In the
MTC I remember my teachers talking about not letting people kill your
miracles, and I thought, "Who would do that?? That can´t be real issue."
But it´s real people. A lot of people this week have told us what a
difficult area we have, that no one´s really had succes...yada yada
yada....It´s not true. We have some challenges here for sure, but Preach
My Gospel says if we lower our expectations we lower our ability.
I don´t know about you, but I plan on baptizing the world...or at least
one Jehovah´s Witness. (I have an odd talent of managing to find every
single JW to contact in the streets. Hermana Castro is always very
impressed.) It´s going to happen ;)
I´ve been trying to
avoid falling into a rut of just doing the work, and so I´ve been
focusing a lot on listening to the Spirit. And wow has that been cool. I
try to picture the people we´re teaching in the temple or the baptismal
font and think about what they need to get there. Every time I feel
such love from Heavenly Father for the people here and I can´t help but
love them too. And I really do love them, even if sometimes they
frustrate me to no end. :) I told Hermana Castro the other day that I
feel like a mom with a lot of problem children. haha
One of
those is an hermana who is less active, she´s 18, pregnant and her
boyfriend (who is also a member) lives there with her family. Her name
is Reyna and she´s a little bit terrified to be a mom, and never really
had a conversion to the gospel. So the other day we just had a feeling
we should go over there to visit here. She let us in (a little bit
reluctantly) and we sat down to teach.
With absolutely no game plan. Hah.
I flipped through my himnario (what is this word in english???) and saw
"Paz Calmense" (Not sure what it´s called in english goes
like "master the tempest is raging..." etc.) and just had the feeling to
sing that. And from there we taught a whole lesson on the story and it
was just really cool. And then...
Reyna and Isaac (her
boyfriend) came to church yesterday!!!!! And it was literally like the
third time in the four months I´ve been here. And it just made me
incredibly happy.
Speaking of beautiful moments in the and testimony meeting, Hermana Margarita gets up to bear
her testimony and started crying and thanked us (from the pulpit) for
remembering her baptism anniversary (we dropped of a card and a
chocolate). And it was just the coolest thing ever.
I´m not telling you that because I think we´re awesome or something, I
just realized that I actually am making a difference here. That even if
we´re a little bit low on investigators right now, we´re touching hearts
and changing lives. I don´t remember what I wrote in the card for Hna
Margarita, but it touched her, and it reminded me that this mission
isn´t about numbers and baptisms.
I am here to invite others to come unto Christ.
that comes in a lot of forms. And I just love having the opportunity to
do it. I love the gospel and I love being a missionary.
And I love you all. :)
¡Vale la pena!
Hermana Wilson
Cambios were yesterday...guess who is going to spend a third of her
mission in Chuburná....this girl! BTWs I´ve finished a third of my
mission. How did that happen??
Elote in Centro. Again proving how attractive I am. |
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