[PREFACE: Mom- I´m totally going to take cute pictures to send for your birthday like I did for Dad, but I didn´t do my hair today so it´ll have to be next week. But I promise I didn´t forget your birthday!]
Querida Familia,
This was just one of those weeks that I can´t remember what exaclty happened but I´m happy so I´m sure it was good stuff. The highlights:
My recent convert Carlos is taking a bible course from this non-denominational group and showed us his textbook. I happened to come across the lesson entitled "False Doctrine" followed by a cartoon of LDS missionaries (and Jehovah´s Witnesses).... -_- Chispas. We then had a lesson entitled "There are a lot of lies in this book".
We also had TWO intercambios this week (poor Hermana Torres has been living out of her travel bag because she doesn´t know the area well enough to work here by herself). I got to work with Hna Alves and Hna Díaz. With Hna Alves we got hit on a number of times by older gentlemen... -_-... and with Hna Díaz we happened to find a Buddist. How that happens in Mexico I will never know.
We had a ward party for mother´s day...everyone dances here...It´s really weird. haha
Hna Torres y Yo....I was so fried that day. |
Hna Torres told me that in Guatamala they call marshmellos angelitos...so roasted marshmellos are angelitos asados.....hehehe.
Sunday we had two (2.5 if you count the five year old who came with his mom) investigators in the church! And all (7, but who´s counting) of my converts were there. It made me so happy to look around at all the faces of people that I love who are making changes in their lives and becoming new people through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It´s a beautiful thing.
I´m to the point now that random people in the street say "Buenas tardes Hna Wilson". I´m a fixture here in Chuburná.
So even though I forgot to tell my mother happy mother´s day.... #woops....It was such a great day. My family is beautiful, technology worked in our favor (#thatneverhappens), and it was so good to talk to you all (even if I can´t really speak english). You all look so happy and beautiful and the same...haha it´s good to know that in a small corner of the world Nyssa, Oregon never really changes. Minus your hair...Hannah is more blonde, Mom cut her hair, and I´m pretty sure Dad has even less than he did before (just kidding, I love you, keep sending me packages please).
Feliz Día Madrecitas |
What I´ve come to realize here is that being happy is a decision. We can be sad, tired, discouraged, or whatnot... or we can be happy, exicted, and hopeful. And it is entirely how we decide to see the world. Yes, this is a period of trials and probation, but if we want to be happy, there are an infinite number of beautiful, joyous things in this world. "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have JOY."
I love you all. I love being a missionary. I love Mexico. And I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father.
¡Vale la pena!
Hermana Wilson
Mother´s Day Flowers #selfie |