Me, and my beautiful companions. |
This week just flew by!!! I officially hit my one month mark, and I have less than 4 days to Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How crazy is that????? We got our travel plans last Friday; I will be flying out on the 27th from Salt Lake to Denver, and from Denver to Merida! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I can't believe it's already time to go! I'm kind of terrified but also so ready!! :)
So what happened this week....
Chad Lewis (who played in the NFL) came and spoke to us. It was so awesome. he was spiritual and funny and reminded me a lot of some men I know back home. ;) It was really cool because he said that he knows the only reason he could play football was so he would have a platform to spread the gospel. He served in Taiwan and speaks Chinese and is now the NFL's "ambassador" to China, so he's got an in that we as missionaries don't. He was awesome, and it's so cool to see how the gospel is spreading.
Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders |
I taught a real investigator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We get to skype members who live in Spanish-speaking countries, and so on Tuesday Hermana Rhondeau and I taught a lady from Merida, but she didn't have a lot of time so we got to skype someone else too. We taught a brother and sister from Columbia named David and Alejandra. She is a member, but he isn't and is currently taking the discussions and we got to teach him and it was so AWESOME! We had like five minutes to prepare something, and our Spanish is questionable at best, but it went so well!! :) It was so great to teach someone who is
real. And they said our Spanish is pretty good, and that we have "bonita Espiritus". :) It was like the best thing ever and it made me so excited to go teach in Mexico!!
Part of my zone. |
Esperanza the plant died. We're not sure quite how it happened. We were cleaning our classroom and she got knocked off the windowsill. It was a sad day. haha
I'm a plant, I need the sun! |
We had the best devotional EVER Sunday night! Elder Godoy from the Seventy (who spoke in Conference in Portuguese.) came and spoke to us. He currently has a son in the MTC so he called his talk a mix of fatherly and general authority advice. He spoke on Alma 26:22 (LOOK IT UP). Here's the basic outline of what he said:
1. You need to repent: be obedient, be worthy and then you'll have the Spirit.
2. Bring forth good works: work really hard, set goals, goals = souls and people and families! And then you'll get baptisms
3. Pray Continually: really get into the gospel and then you'll have spiritual experiences
4. Exercise Faith: normally this goes 1st (and it's the second thing listed in the scripture) but he put it last and he said if you exercise faith then you'll see miracles. {Follow the scripture chain Jacob 4:24 to Enos 1:20 to Alma 26:24-27 Don't make excuses that kill your miracles}
And if you do that you'll get:
1. The mysteries of God
2. Bring 1000s of souls to repentance
It was seriously the best talk ever, and he was animated and funny about it, and in his imperfect English he really brought the Spirit. And almost as an afterthought he said, "If you're learning a language, don't worry about it. I'm 53 and still struggling with the language!" And lately I've been really worried about my Spanish but I realized that if I can bring the spirit it really doesn't matter. He was awesome. I loved it. It was exactly what i needed before I head out to Mexico.
I love you all, I love this gospel. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a missionary and getting to testify every day of Jesus Christ. It's the best thing ever. The next time you hear from me will be from Mexico!! Wish me luck!!! Have a great week!
Vale la pena,
Hermana Wilson
My desk always looks like this. |
Praying Mantis at the Temple. |
Travel Plans!!! |
Travel Plans for all! |